Thursday, January 28, 2010

Well it just goes on in LarryWorld....
the heated debate over video poker was that stuff of drama,huh?
What Ikind of hoping was a tie vote with LarryBoy casting the deciding there's a thought...which way would he go?
Keep in mind,
the pro-poker group was, near as I could tell...
"...gambling opponents were outnumbered by the strong building trade presence urging aldermen not to opt out of video gambling. Brad Long, president of the Northwestern Illinois Building & Construction Trades Council..."
Northern Illinois Building Contractor's Association 1111 S. Alpine Rd.
Ste. #202
Rockford, IL 61108
Individual Contribution
Citizens for Morrissey

Northern Illinois Building Contractor's Association 1111 S. Alpine Rd.
Ste. #202
Rockford, IL 61108
Individual Contribution
Citizens for Morrissey
guess we know....huh?

THEN, a setback for Lar on the choo-choo front...
"...Morrissey was livid that the area didn’t receive more funding...."
(but daddy, I WANT A TRAIN!!!!!)

and finally....
"After fighting for more than three years to keep secret a controversial survey that portrayed the Police Department leadership and at times the mayor in a negative light, Mayor Larry Morrissey released the survey today...The court also ordered the city to pay the attorney’s fees incurred by the police union.
Morrissey said he did not have figures stating how much the city spent in attorney fees in its effort to keep the survey private...."

Why should he have those figures,it's ONLY TAXPAYER DOLLARS in a time of "budget crisis"...

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Just such typical a BizarroWorld week in LarryBoy's Empire.........
LarryBoy's hand-picked "advisory"board toots the same horn, Privatize......
check THIS...
"...Rockford’s organizational and staffing structure is similar to what was commonly found in 1950s-era businesses... City staff, in turn, often perform services that have little to do with “core government functions.”...."

What a flippin'concept!!!!CORE GOVERNMENT FUNCTIONS...........imagine that,
HHhhhmmmm, let's think....
PUBLIC safety(police and fire)
PUBLIC works(streets,repairs,water)
that's about as 'core' as it gets.......

see, with these tough economic times, THAT'S where the focus should be,agreed?

So you already know what's next....
".... The estimated $33 million convention center would take public investment...."

Oh, that's right, LarryBoy's 'core government functions' run more towards,bond debt,real estate development(bond debt) and sports team ownership(bond debt)...........

See, when LarryBoy was a mere 'candidate', he railed against the property tax rate, and sold the public on a sales tax increase for property tax relief. See, but every LarryBoy Vision requires MORE stinking new bond sales,paid by..........YOU GUESSED IT!!!!!!! INCREASED PROPERTY TAXES!!
Classic money shot quote..."“We need to think about our future,” Morrissey said. “This is our chance to leave a legacy for our children.” "

DEBT DEBT DEBT screw the libraries,kids don't need BOOKS and READING.......("...nearly 300 jobs in the hospitality industry...") to work part-time making beds and cleaning toilets.........

Friday, January 8, 2010

So this whole New Year thing, folks reminince about the past year,well I was thinking about my original thread, "LarryBoy in his own words, for what it's worth - "
(somehow,I 'lost' access to this forum,yet the 35 pages spanning 2 years of LarryBoy's reign of "Excrement Everywhere" are somehow still available.

See, they had a "view count" and maybe I was egotistical, but I kept count at times and near the end of my ability to use that forum, it was common to log over 1000 visits per day.(shoulda sold advertising)

This here blog, I MAY have 17-20 readers after a NEW post, then fewer as the days go by. Maybe that's why I've failed to be more consistent in weekly observations,I don't know.

But I've decided, whether 2 views or 2000, a critical look at this administration NEEDS to be out "THERE"
(not that MY opinion is all that important, but the way the local media, such as it is,WNTA, Register Star, and even the Rock River Times(once an independant voice) alternately kiss LarryBoy's heiny or stifle the facts....well there SHOULD be a record......
Anyway, my resolution is to return to at least weekly entries, more if incidents desrve follow-up...

You do not lead by hitting people over the head - that's assault, not leadership.
Dwight D. Eisenhower