Monday, October 26, 2009

Well, FOR NOW, LarryBoy has stopped (publicly)hating on his employees...
His attention turns to his first love...that TAX DOLLAR BLACK HOLE he likes to call..........DEVELOPMENT!!!

"ROCKFORD — A new nonprofit group that aims to revive Rockford’s riverfront and older neighborhoods — and build an investment fund to fuel the rejuvenation — is asking two government agencies to chip in $150,000.

The Rockford Housing Authority board heard a pitch Thursday from members of the Rock River Development Partnership, headed by SupplyCore CEO Peter Provenzano. RHA board members liked the idea of a $75,000 contribution to the group’s effort, but withheld a formal vote pending a written agreement outlining responsibilities and expectations from both parties.

The Greater Rockford Airport Authority Board is considering its own $75,000 contribution to the endeavor, and a decision could come as early as next week...."

Now keep in mind... HE appoints the Boards....



Bharat Puri, City Representative

Gwyn Gulley, City Representative

Pete Provenzano, City Representative(know how HE will vote)


MEMBERS (City representatives):

Virginia Starks

Ricardo Cervantes

Chandler Anderson(Garrison Loft project manager,etc.)

Phyllis Ginestra

David A. Sidney

So SupplyCore(Provenzano's) keep on keeping on............

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

From My Stateline...

The fate of downtown Rockford's pedestrian mall has finally been decided. Main Street is being reopened to two-way traffic. But the construction is causing many downtown business owners to question their own fate.

Right now, it's nearly impossible to access the businesses along the stretch of construction.

"It sounds like it's been delayed and the street will not be poured until next year," says Chris Wachowiak, the owner of Kryptonite Bar. "That just scares the heck out of me."...

"You can reach it from say State Street this week, but not from Mulberry or Elm streets, and then it changes every few days," he describes. "It gets a little confusing and difficult to plan and advertise."...
Downtown Alderman, Doug Mark, acknowledges the challenge. But he believes the short-term pain will be worth the long term gain. He vows to do all he can to keep the project moving. "We need to stay on it, put pressure on it, make sure it gets done as soon as possible," he says.

But those who've invested in downtown, think more could be done to help them manage the loss of revenue.

"I spent $8,000 on fencing," Wachowiak says. "It's going to cost me a couple grand to replace it. There's no assessment for that. No assessment for the loss of revenue from not having a patio."...

So there it goes...more DOWNTOWN WHINING by LarryBots...and it SURE SOUNDS like they got their hands out,huh?
Now, I must believe this fellow has no sense of REALITY...we are in the midst of a RECESSION, pinhead, EVERYBODY'S BUSINESS is down...and recent history should have prepared the lot of many other major road reconstructions have spawn similar stories...N.Main business district has never really recovered from tearing that up,(John St. to Auburn) and VERY RECENTLY there was the Kishwaukee access with it, buddy. And Dancin'Doug is lying thru his teeth(unless, HE's really THAT IGNORANT!!!)
See, there was PLENTY OF EVIDENCE this project would take MUCH MORE TIME AND MONEY than the citizens were led to believe....remember the "underground vaults"???...they were NEVER SURE HOW MANY there actually ARE....they said 'couldn't be sure' of what they might find....matter of fact, HERE'S MO'MONEY(LarryFriend)....
"23. Alderman Beck read a Finance and Personnel Committee Report recommending the
Engineering Agreement Amendment: Downtown Streetscape be made to Homer L.
Chastain & Associates for an additional $52,042.00 for a total not to exceed cost of
$401,533.00 for additional design engineering and construction inspection. The funding source for this project is Sales Tax funds."

(Course, SOMEHOW, this will be BLAMED ON THE UNIONS and their wage freezes...)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Well...seems like LarryBoy kinda stepped in his own doodo...
he apparently pens this blistering attack on Ald. Carl Wasco , our economy, our state legislature, and past union contracts, snow storms and budget shortfalls , WHEW...
BUT,seems this diatribe was planned BEFORE good "Old TightSuit" Hayes came thru....
"ROCKFORD — The union representing nearly 300 union firefighters agreed to a two-year wage freeze Friday, ending a tense bargaining impasse with city officials..."

Matter of fact, though I didn't see the RRStar rag itself, a commenter online states, ".... I wasn't even sure I was reading the same article, as the one in the paper starts out with the mayor expressing gratitude to the firefighters union for the tentative agreement reached Friday. Nowhere in there is Carl Wasco's name mentioned. Did the mayor write two versions of this, or was this how the RRS chose to edit, and if so, why? Are online readers being baited by the construction of articles emphasizing personal attacks?...".

Well, in LarryBoy's Empire, facts and HIS statements remain fluid,ever-adapting to his whim...
I still can't get over his continual "... We will have spent approximately $12 million of our reserves due to snow storms and budget shortfalls over the last two years...."
SO WHY DOES NO ONE QUESTION THIS $12million 'shortfall'? I'll tell you why...the LarryBoy pet team,MetroCentre,non-producing TIF districts, increased bureaucracy,etc.etc., are the REASONS plain and simple....And no one will tell the lil emporer he has no clothes!!!!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Well, the WAR IS ON!!!!
"...“It’s an ultimatum everyone has been handed,” Morrissey said. “It’s an economic ultimatum, so the word might absolutely be appropriate.”....Ald. Carl Wasco, D-4, said he is concerned because the city intends to keep the share of property taxes that had been for garbage to spend on other expenses....Wasco said aldermen have sought alternatives or a compromise on the fee increase and layoffs, but nothing has come of those requests. ... “The answer we have gotten (from the mayor) is that, ‘If I have to, I’ll lay them off.’ We don’t have a choice, and if we don’t give him the $3, he will lay them off,” Wasco said. “It sounds to me like it’s his way or the highway.”..."
Gee, makes me wonder if Wasco's been paying attention to the last 5 years of LarryRule...
LarryBoy's put his mark (and thousands upon thousands of TAX DOLLARS) on every pet project he's unveiled, from that ridiculous city logo, n Center, Adam Smith, Cyndie Hall, Code Enforcement "cops" with the top of line wifi notebook computers,, Blackberrys for every two-bit supervisor, buying a hockey team, overspending on upgrades to the still un-finished MetroCentre,tearing out the Mall in the middle of a recession, MILLIONS of dollars thrown at "developers" for more unfinished downtown hip,urban downtown lofts,............sheesh where DID all the money go??
Those greedy unions...

Monday, October 5, 2009

So THIS was the biggest load of manure YET.....
"...Morrissey is reaching out to the community, recruiting bankers, accountants, developers, clergy and other private-sector leaders to advisory committees to help solve looming city budget problems. "...
the LarryLoveFest goes on and on, culminating with,perhaps the most ironically arrogant LarryBot..." Ryan Brauns, a sometime adviser to the mayor and a member of his budget advisory panel. “Will Larry ever be the most personable guy? Probably not,” said Brauns, whose family firm, Rockford Consulting & Brokerage, is paid by the city to restructure its employee health insurance benefits...."
An excellent look at the "advisory" committee was done by Stuart Wahlin at "The Rock River Times" not only does he show the many political and financial ties to many of these "experts" to LarryBoy and his campaign/policies, he also warns of this type of claptrap...."media" invovled in this committee..."media" as in The Register Star, Campaign Propaganda for the New Millennium !!!!
(And once again I wonder what useful purpose this bunch of LarryBots serve when Patrick Hayes has been all over proclaiming the 7% Solution????) 7% cut,baby....

Friday, October 2, 2009

A random realization I had overnite is when LarryBoy was at Council before he went to Rescue Rockford with Chinese investment, he made a big deal out of ' in my absence,Jim Ryan assumes all duties/responsibilities pursuant to my office...blah,blah,blah' but all week, especially on WNTA, Patrick(TightSuit)Hayes has been pitchman for the new NEGOTIATION TACTIC of the administration....EVERYBODY TAKES ROLLBACKS.... WalMart City Management!!!!!!

So there's some kinda crap...
"Community Development Department: Laying off five employees, ...that reaction time to weed enforcement would likely be diminished.(so it's becoming WINTER and weeds stop growing anyhowright? They don't bother to enforce codes at GarrisonMorrisseyLofts...weeds,debris,parking on gravel...plenty of FINE REVENUE untapped THERE.....)

Rockford Fire Department: Chief Derek Bergsten reports that overtime costs will outweigh the savings from laying off eight firefighters.... “Services to the citizens of Rockford will not be affected immediately as a result of the layoffs (because) the minimum staffing requirement is mandated,” Bergsten writes.(BRILLIANT Lar,brilliant...)

Human resources:
Compensation and Benefits Manager Kim Ryan reports that one employee will be laid off Friday..... but will mean the work must be redistributed to other workers who already have a full plate, “particularly as we approach our busiest time of the year.”(not sure what THAT means...but hiring freeze been in place,most the other work has been contracted out) (LarryBoy's bud Brauns MAKES MONEY on employee insurance premiums!EXCELLENT!)
Legal department: Left vacant is a position that an attorney resigned in May in anticipation of cutbacks. The savings are estimated at $76,823. The department is down to seven attorneys from nine at the start of 2008.....(but keep in mind,this department's budget has nearly doubled since Legal Director Patrick Hayes came in...AND they too have done extensive outsourcing...)

Mayor’s office:
City Administrator Jim Ryan reports that the mayor’s office is leaving three positions vacant....(Ah,but there's plenty other CREATED LarryBoy positions...oh,and I suppose those fabulous "savings"..." $265,749, including a receptionist, director of education and director of tourism."...include the $30-40k RAISE LarryBoy slipped to Adam Smith(remember HIM?)...and the director of tourism,Cyndie Hall,taking a retirement package, STILL GETS A CHECK FROM THE CITY under a different scam....word is Einar Forsman,previous City Administrator ALSO STILL receives "consultant "fees"....)

With these extreme sacrifices at these levels, just can't imagine how the city will function....
Ahhhh, LarryBoy's Empire!!!!!!