Friday, October 2, 2009

A random realization I had overnite is when LarryBoy was at Council before he went to Rescue Rockford with Chinese investment, he made a big deal out of ' in my absence,Jim Ryan assumes all duties/responsibilities pursuant to my office...blah,blah,blah' but all week, especially on WNTA, Patrick(TightSuit)Hayes has been pitchman for the new NEGOTIATION TACTIC of the administration....EVERYBODY TAKES ROLLBACKS.... WalMart City Management!!!!!!

So there's some kinda crap...
"Community Development Department: Laying off five employees, ...that reaction time to weed enforcement would likely be diminished.(so it's becoming WINTER and weeds stop growing anyhowright? They don't bother to enforce codes at GarrisonMorrisseyLofts...weeds,debris,parking on gravel...plenty of FINE REVENUE untapped THERE.....)

Rockford Fire Department: Chief Derek Bergsten reports that overtime costs will outweigh the savings from laying off eight firefighters.... “Services to the citizens of Rockford will not be affected immediately as a result of the layoffs (because) the minimum staffing requirement is mandated,” Bergsten writes.(BRILLIANT Lar,brilliant...)

Human resources:
Compensation and Benefits Manager Kim Ryan reports that one employee will be laid off Friday..... but will mean the work must be redistributed to other workers who already have a full plate, “particularly as we approach our busiest time of the year.”(not sure what THAT means...but hiring freeze been in place,most the other work has been contracted out) (LarryBoy's bud Brauns MAKES MONEY on employee insurance premiums!EXCELLENT!)
Legal department: Left vacant is a position that an attorney resigned in May in anticipation of cutbacks. The savings are estimated at $76,823. The department is down to seven attorneys from nine at the start of 2008.....(but keep in mind,this department's budget has nearly doubled since Legal Director Patrick Hayes came in...AND they too have done extensive outsourcing...)

Mayor’s office:
City Administrator Jim Ryan reports that the mayor’s office is leaving three positions vacant....(Ah,but there's plenty other CREATED LarryBoy positions...oh,and I suppose those fabulous "savings"..." $265,749, including a receptionist, director of education and director of tourism."...include the $30-40k RAISE LarryBoy slipped to Adam Smith(remember HIM?)...and the director of tourism,Cyndie Hall,taking a retirement package, STILL GETS A CHECK FROM THE CITY under a different scam....word is Einar Forsman,previous City Administrator ALSO STILL receives "consultant "fees"....)

With these extreme sacrifices at these levels, just can't imagine how the city will function....
Ahhhh, LarryBoy's Empire!!!!!!

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