Monday, October 5, 2009

So THIS was the biggest load of manure YET.....
"...Morrissey is reaching out to the community, recruiting bankers, accountants, developers, clergy and other private-sector leaders to advisory committees to help solve looming city budget problems. "...
the LarryLoveFest goes on and on, culminating with,perhaps the most ironically arrogant LarryBot..." Ryan Brauns, a sometime adviser to the mayor and a member of his budget advisory panel. “Will Larry ever be the most personable guy? Probably not,” said Brauns, whose family firm, Rockford Consulting & Brokerage, is paid by the city to restructure its employee health insurance benefits...."
An excellent look at the "advisory" committee was done by Stuart Wahlin at "The Rock River Times" not only does he show the many political and financial ties to many of these "experts" to LarryBoy and his campaign/policies, he also warns of this type of claptrap...."media" invovled in this committee..."media" as in The Register Star, Campaign Propaganda for the New Millennium !!!!
(And once again I wonder what useful purpose this bunch of LarryBots serve when Patrick Hayes has been all over proclaiming the 7% Solution????) 7% cut,baby....

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