Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Couple things this week...
"... Dave’s Hot Dog Stand, a summertime fixture. This summer, the stand and other street vendors will have the opportunity to return to the Main Street Festival Zone, which is Main from Elm to Mulberry streets...."

Got THAT? They kicked out this guy to tear out the pedestrian mall where he set up....
And MILLIONS OF TAX$$$$$$$$$ later.... we let him move back though probably have to CLOSE the street to be safe for customers...

Have you driven that clusterf*&%k?
The way they go from the parking lane and then ballooned out corners...a regular BOTTLENECK....and moving 'traffic' thru downtown? WHAT A JOKE! there's no left turn signals or lanes so IF someone wants to turn left and you are 3-4 cars back, you might sit thru 3-4 green lights,waiting while traffic stretches behind block after block. Amnd just wait till they spend hundres of thousands to make Church St. 2-way...25 cars downtown will have the potential for absolute GRIDLOCK!~!

That'll 'revitalize downtown' huh?