Thursday, June 25, 2009
so you go HERE
and find....Financial Information
Subsections: Annual Budgets... and click there....
2005 Annual Budget
2006 Annual Budget
2007 Annual Budget
2008 Annual Budget
2009 Proposed Budget
Now,for instance,2005 looks.....
Mayor's Budget Message
Executive Summary
Budget Highlights
How to Use This Document
The 2005 Process, Public Involvement, Amending the Budget
Financial Planning-The Key To The Future
Cash Management-Maximizing Resources
Employees-The City's Most Important Asset
Capital Equipment & Projects
Revenue & Financing Changes
Year End Financial Condition
Legislative & Management Services
Mayor's Office
City Council
Information Services
Board of Election Commissioners
Community Development Services
Community Development Administration
TIF Districts:
East Side TIF
West Side TIF
7th Street TIF
S Rockford TIF
SE Affordable Housing TIF
Lincolnwood TIF
Springfield Corners TIF
North Main TIF
Rockford Global Trade Park TIF
Planning Division
Building Department
Human Services
Human Services Department
Drug Free Initiative Program
Tuberculosis Sanitarium
Mass Transit
Public Safety Services
911 Communications
Board of Fire & Police Commissioners
Public Work Services
Capital Project Fund
Motor Fuel Tax Fund
Streets & Sewers
Property & Equipment
Non-Operating Funds
Police and Fire Pension Funds
Illinois Municipal Retirement Pension Fund
Health Insurance Fund
Unemployment Insurance Fund
Worker's Compensation Fund
Debt Service
OTB Special Projects Fund
Risk Management
Underground Storage Tank Removal Fund
(This was the last year of Doug Scott...two things to note....NINE TIF districts....and clicking on that "Redevelopment Fund"...shows a financial forecast of an ending 2006 deficit balance of $1,069,000)
Fast forward to the 2009 proposed budget we find a total of TWENTY FIVE TIFs
Meanwhile,the 2009 budget shows that same fund with a financial forecast to begin 2010 with a deficit balance of.....
see, the TIFs create DEBT,paid out of property taxes....the "Redevelopment Fund" deficits gets covered by the General Fund(property taxes) THEN we blame public safety and public works for the General Fund balance shortages...
only in LarryBoy's empire...........
Sunday, June 21, 2009
There is so much information AVOIDED in that report, even the RRSTAR LarryBoy cheerleaders
crow about a need for slow, deliberate, reading of the report.
And I am so disappointed with Wasco,he was a bit of a critic of LarryBoy BEFORE the election but as spokesman for this committee,he seems to have mastered the sleight of hand defense of the MC finances...."don't look at the $25million they burned thru in 2 years before Corey skipped town....the problem is the HISTORY!!!'s a lotta information to sift thru BUT HURRY!!!!....
“We have to make a serious decision,” said Ald. Carl Wasco, who led an advisory panel that wrote the report, which outlines a three-year plan to pay for the downtown arena, after six weeks of study.
“There is a lot of information in that report, and I know it will take time to sort through, especially if you haven’t been at those ad hoc meetings every week like we have. But the longer we wait, the more (we’re) just driving the MetroCentre into red ink.”
How? construction's not cost shows going cost there.........AAAHHHH!,it's that bunch of paid staff,collecting TAX$$$$ salaries for NOTHING! (how's those luxury box sales,Dancin'Doug???,making big bucks for NOT selling any,huh?)........." The arena has about $300,000 in bills it can’t pay, and vendors are waiting."...WHAT bills...PAYROLL???
THIS is the most troubling thing to taxpayers NOT in the report/memo pdf. but duly reported by Isaac Guerrero in the Business story...."The city would refinance debt to funnel the first $800,000 to the MetroCentre, ideally by July 1. The city would make an extra $6.8 million in interest payments while paying back that debt."
What value,what fiscal responsibility.......WHAT A CROCK!!@!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Guess they didn't think it a BIG enough story...
"...Aldermen would evaluate the MetroCentre’s situation as the three-year deal comes to a close. If the arena is in better financial shape, the City Council might ask it to pay some or all of its $486,000 share of the annual renovation debt payments.
Additionally, the city would give the MetroCentre $1.2 million for operations in 2010, with $800,000 to be delivered when the fiscal year begins, and the remainder delivered beginning in January. The operating subsidy would decrease to $1.1 million in 2011 and $1 million in 2012....The city also would extend a new $500,000 line of credit to the MetroCentre...The arena...has already spent its $1.2 million line of credit. The MetroCentre has two other outstanding debts to the city that also must be repaid: the $600,000 emergency loan made in April and a $456,000 no-interest city loan extended in 2007....The city would need to refinance debt to send more cash to the arena. This would involve deferring principal payments on bonds, sacking the city with an extra $6.8 million in debt service....."
It's ONLY MONEY!!!!!!!
I really am surprised, it was classic LarryBoy....
History,History,blah,blah....not to point fingers,BUT...
it's all the fault of OTHERS...other mayors,other Metro boards,other state laws...
One big point was the diversion of Redevelopment Funds(the "original" Metro Centre tax)...
well,getting ACCURATE financial information out of the LarryBoy Silly Hall administration is a challenge(especially frustrating because LarryBoy TALKS transparency/openness)....
but here....
See, in 2007, LarryBoy DIVERTED $4,325,910 from that fund....
So,they can't blame the past or the economic of Dec.31,2007, the fund balance was -$4,589,031....
Now,another thing to keep in mind is they plan on $3.3million ADDITIONAL dollars over 3 years to the MC,about $1.1m a year but funding cuts mention only $50,000(SWIFFT) and $300,000 by the Metro Board....WHERE'S the OTHER $600,000 coming from????
Plan on CUTS in public works AND public safety..........
Friday, June 12, 2009
gave the ceremonial shovel show to mark the mall removal gives you the impression these clowns put this project up there with Armistice Day,the first step on the moon, and winning the Irish Sweepstakes all rolled into one...."“Today, we move forward with faith and confidence,” Morrissey said. “We send away the voices of fear. We send away the negative voices, and we say we are here to stay.” "
Give me a break....and mark THESE words...
"On Friday, the $1.9 million project begins in earnest with the removal of trees. By late September, a checkerboard-patterned concrete street bordered by a brick-paved sidewalk with space for cafe-style seating will stand in the place of the pedestrian mall.It will be open for two-way traffic and even allow for on-street parking."
If the project gets done on time and at budget,I'll eat my keyboard.....
remember the underground vaults? they have NO IDEA what type of situation they'll find....look for a total water main /service rehab(unplanned) gas main issues,etc. etc. And costs will go up,up,up....
keep in mind,this as planned, is $1million a BLOCK!!!!!!!!
bet they could patch a heckuva lotta potholes....or buy a lotta salt for winter....or any number of other uses that would benefit a greater number of taxpayers....but NNNOOOOO!!!
let's dump more money downtown for the few elite LarryBots that are continually waiting for the hipsters to come....THEY'LL SAVE ROCKFORD!!!!!!!!
Hipster doofs will gotta be there for"...intricate lighting, cool gateway fixtures, landscaping and new street furniture..."
What IS "intricate" lighting???? What IS "cool"gateway fixtures ???, I once visited Chinatown in Chicago, so I know what "street" furniture is....take lawn or kitchen chairs and stick them in front of your house to save a parking spot...........
Thursday, June 11, 2009
(like the public speakers critical of LarryBoy policies,etc.)
But there was this other item I found interesting....
By Stuart R. Wahlin, Staff Writer | |

Mayor Larry Morrissey (I) indicated a budget and finance advisory group will be formed to assist the council as the economic crisis looms over current and future budget cycles.
“This will be a group of individuals from our community who will help to work, again, with our city council and our staff to provide insight and outlook on our current budget challenges,” Morrissey explained. “Not only have we had challenges in the 2009 budget, challenges with the ’08 budget, but we anticipate, really, problems and challenges through 2010 and 2011.”
He added, “It’s an opportune time to take a look at our entire process, and build a strong foundation for continuing to move forward.”
The mayor will now entertain recommendations for appointments to the group....
The ABSURDITY of another hand-picked ad-hoc committee to go thru the motions of developing some kind of recommendations that LarryBoy has either predetermined (and will be a buncha YESMAN's) or he'll simply ignore them....See,near as I can figure,...
Finance Director Andrus Sammul's got 33 employees, contracts out another $800,000 in services and makes at least $140,000 a year....and see,he WARNED LAST YEAR that a big problem is the city's role as "internal banker" borrowing,borrowing bonds for TIF after TIF....
see MOST of the deficit IS directly related to the money-shifting/hiding to cover losses in this centerpiece of LarryBoy's "vision" of EXCELLENCE EVERYWHERE....
Well,LarryBoy IGNORED those warnings,why will he listen to anybody else??
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
but they just IGNORE the $23mill PLUS bond debt that LarryBoy and Corey shoved on the taxpayers....IT WILL SAVE DOWNTOWN!!!!!!!!!!
And I've been trying to find that old info....and I stumbled on THIS.....
There are still some things left to do — such as finishing the glass-encased entranceway at Chestnut and Church streets — but 90 percent of the renovation is complete.
“We’ll be done by the end of the year,” said Corey Pearson, general manager of Centre Events. “Most of the renovation that the public will see will be done by November.”...(so the styrofoam IS supposed to look like that?)....
The arena has sold out its 13 club box seats and has sold 80 percent of its 200 club seats, they said. The club boxes go for $8,000 a season and the club seats for $2,000 a season.
“We had sort of a silent goal that those would sell out, but we didn’t want to guarantee it,” Pearson said. “It turned out, we could sell out.”....(that's NOT what we hear NOW....why do they need Dancin'Doug if they sold out??)....
Still, Pearson hedged a bit when asked if the MetroCentre’s finances are so good that the authority won’t have to go to the City Council again this year and ask for money to help it supplement its regular revenue streams.
“It looks very good right now, and we have some big things planned,” he said. “We’re headed in the direction that will make that unnecessary.”...(no wonder the lying sack of crap left town)....
Friday, June 5, 2009
Note the "past" focuses on pre-LarryBoy....and...
proclaims"MetroCentre wants city to help fund its 'fresh start' "
Well,seems to me,that "FRESH START" was how LarryBoy sold us the $23-26million bond sale he masterminded....improvements and a hockey team was all it needed to restore vitality to the Centre and all of downtown...
BUT... word is, all that money is spent,the work is NOT completed(the exposed styrofoam paneling is not architecture) and taxpayers should expect more money to fund LarryBoy's spoiledrichkidspendingspree with CUTS IN BASIC PUBLIC SAFETY AND WORKS...add to that, the "Never met a TIF I didn't like"mentality...(8 has grown to 28),projected DEFICIT for the year??? $$$$ 3 MILLION!!
Expect 60+ city employees to join the ranks of the unemployed....
Monday, June 1, 2009
Starting at the last issue...
"... Meanwhile, aldermen on the city Codes and Regulations Committee voted to strip the mayor of the power to appoint chairmen and members of Rockford’s three standing aldermanic committees. Since at least 1936, the mayor has had the authority to assign aldermen and chairmen to its committees. Standing aldermanic committees are Codes and Regulations, Finance and Personnel, and Planning and Development.
Sosnowski, who introduced the measure, said it is not an attempt to weaken the authority of the mayor,...
Mayor Larry Morrissey said the issue is a distraction at a time when the city has major financial and economic hardships to face."
"major financial and economic hardships to face"he says,so why does this crap dominate all the talk???
A project to remove the downtown pedestrian mall and restore a two-block section of Main Street was delayed for at least a third time since April during a Rockford City Council meeting Tuesday night.
Ald. Joe Sosnowski, R-1, moved to lay over a vote on the $1.9 million project. He was concerned that low bidder Ringland Johnson Construction was passed over in favor of next-lowest bidder Stenstrom Construction.(see...
Stenstrom, Robert W Occupation: Owner Employer: Stenstrom Companies | 2420 20th St Rockford, IL 61104 | $2,500.00 11/21/2008 | Individual Contribution Citizens for Morrissey | | |
There was a difference of $17,000 in the bids. City staff recommended going with Stenstrom...."
See,seems only LarryBoy/Dancin'Doug, J.R.Kortman owner Doc Sla...(whatever) and the typing-heads at the News Tower find this boondoggle as the "SAVIOR" of Rockford, all will be well if we forget the cost and MOVE ROCKFORWARD!!!!!....Tear out the mall and....
"... a $1.5 million annual public subsidy for the Rockford MetroCentre..."
and the potholes will be filled all over town, high-paying jobs will flood town and gang activity will disappear........EXCELLENT,eh??????