Friday, June 12, 2009

The absolutely ridiculous level of self-delusional importance LarryBoy,Dancin'Doug,Downtown Doc,and the RRSTAR
gave the ceremonial shovel show to mark the mall removal gives you the impression these clowns put this project up there with Armistice Day,the first step on the moon, and winning the Irish Sweepstakes all rolled into one...."“Today, we move forward with faith and confidence,” Morrissey said. “We send away the voices of fear. We send away the negative voices, and we say we are here to stay.” "
Give me a break....and mark THESE words...
"On Friday, the $1.9 million project begins in earnest with the removal of trees. By late September, a checkerboard-patterned concrete street bordered by a brick-paved sidewalk with space for cafe-style seating will stand in the place of the pedestrian mall.It will be open for two-way traffic and even allow for on-street parking."
If the project gets done on time and at budget,I'll eat my keyboard.....
remember the underground vaults? they have NO IDEA what type of situation they'll find....look for a total water main /service rehab(unplanned) gas main issues,etc. etc. And costs will go up,up,up....
keep in mind,this as planned, is $1million a BLOCK!!!!!!!!
bet they could patch a heckuva lotta potholes....or buy a lotta salt for winter....or any number of other uses that would benefit a greater number of taxpayers....but NNNOOOOO!!!
let's dump more money downtown for the few elite LarryBots that are continually waiting for the hipsters to come....THEY'LL SAVE ROCKFORD!!!!!!!!
Hipster doofs will gotta be there for"...intricate lighting, cool gateway fixtures, landscaping and new street furniture..."
What IS "intricate" lighting???? What IS "cool"gateway fixtures ???, I once visited Chinatown in Chicago, so I know what "street" furniture is....take lawn or kitchen chairs and stick them in front of your house to save a parking spot...........

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