Saturday, August 15, 2009

So I see that LarryBoy's "Break the Unions" campaign is officially ON....


As of 12:34 p.m., Thursday, the battle is engaged.

It’s framed very simply: Cut expenses (including but not limited to people, pensions, payroll, benefits) to match revenue; re-allocate existing resources to critical issues like education and infrastructure; and, hope tax revenue declines slow down so there’s no need for a tax increase.

Just after the chicken and mashed potatoes at the annual “mayor’s business speech” before the Rockford Chamber of Commerce, Mayor Larry Morrissey laid out a no-holds-barred action plan for investing in the city’s priorities and critical needs — and for paying for it out of the current and future pockets of city employees, with an emphasis on union contracts.

Our community can no longer afford us, the mayor told about 500 of the region’s corporate, business and governmental decision makers. The “us” is clearly the police and fire unions, whose contracts are open and whose position continues to be: nope, we’re not budging very much..."

So then Linda LarryBot engages readers in comments, wherein she claims, NO,it's not about the unions....

Then, LarryBoy kicks in HIGH GEAR....

using the city website to continue the attack on city employees....a colorful charts and graphs statistical romp through time....useless predictions and meaningless comparisons....

YUP, I'm sold....get rid of the cops and firefighters....statistically speaking,there probably won't be any more crime,fires,or emergency medical needs in Rockford now that the downtown mall is gone and the MetroCentre is funded.....

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