Saturday, November 28, 2009

So LarryBoy got back....
"...In a news conference today at City Hall, Morrissey said government and business must play a significant role forging relationships with their overseas counterparts if places like Rockford are to get out from under the current economic stress and achieve sustainable growth.
Morrissey has been an advocate of developing relationships with business and government leaders around the globe with recent trips to China and Sweden, all while making connections with officials in Chicago and throughout the state.
“These subnational governments, these regions, are becoming more and more relevant players in our world economy,” Morrissey said...."
and there's some so quick to rally for him...
Chuck Sweeny
Yeah, let's require mayors never to go north of Loves Park or south of Davis Junction, west of 'Bago and east of Belvidere. Let's see how that brings in the international business.

Chuck Sweeny, I totally agree with you. The mind-set of some or should I say most of the people posting here is disgusting. If they could not complain, they would not have anything to say. Thanks for your comment, Chuck....."
Fine,bootlickers, but REALLY... he's been globetrotting since he got elected,we've got more "sister cities" than they can keep up with and what is there to show for it?
Millions in tax$$ giveaways to that Chinese company to destroy wetlands out by the airport and none of the promised jobs.
Larryboy talks all this 'government like a business' crap...where's the return on investment???WHEN'S the return on investment???

WHEN'S the return on investment???

Monday, November 23, 2009

So I'm just still just floored by the hypocrisy evident in the Rockford Register Rag....
see, when LarryBoy and Chief Chet LIE TO THE CITIZENS...we get excuses....
"...Winnebago County, with Rockford feeding it, has the highest crime rate in Illinois — again. There was a one-year break in the top spot in 2007 when Winnebago County saw a 12.8 percent drop and the city of Rockford saw its rate drop 14.4 percent, according to Illinois Uniform Crime Reporting statistics....
It was just last month that headlines touted serious crime was down 17.6 percent in Rockford, according to data released by the city. When less serious crimes were included, crime was down 8.1 percent from 2008...."

they go on with THIS kinda crap..."
In 2006, when the department started using the system, Epperson said it would help him use more hard data and analysis and less anecdote and gut instinct to combat crime.

That’s the way police work should be done.

For the layman, however, the data may not be as useful, especially when it is not put in context.

If you’re confused, that’s OK. Again, the most important question is: Do you feel safe in your own neighborhood? In the parts of town you visit?"


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Just a little update to the Larry/Chet/Lie....
"...The recent release of the Illinois State Police Uniform Crime Report shows Winnebago led the state’s 102 counties in 2008 with 5,860 acts of crime per 100,000 population..... Almost single-handedly driving the county’s crime rate is the city of Rockford, which experienced a 10 percent spike in crime.
“What Rockford does, so goes the county,” said Karen Lytwyn, a former community researcher...."
Ah,but there's EXCUSES...
"Quarterly crime statistics have been presented at City Council meetings showing how crime has decreased this year over last year. However, it was not widely known by the public that crime in 2008 was up considerably over 2007 until the release of the uniform crime report.
“We knew what the numbers were,” Epperson said. “We track them on a daily basis. You can’t wait a year later to make adjustments.”
So he's been LYING TO US????
Say it ain't SOOOO LarryBoy!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

So it doesn't seem THAT long ago,LarryBoy and ChiefChet were again crowing about their continual DECREASE in crime...
they were even pulling cops from the schools...
and then still down...

WHY does the media IGNORE the reality??
the GANG PROBLEM in Rockford is nearing critical stage, yet NO ONE...LarryBoy,ChiefChet, the RRStar dare tell the TRUTH....what DO we get?

"A data-driven approach to governing is helping the city improve everything from neighborhood lighting and pothole patching to graffiti abatement and parking enforcement, Assistant City Administrator Julia Scott-Valdez told members of a budget advisory panel today...."

Impressed??WOWED? then, with all due respect,

Sunday, November 1, 2009

So, I been battling the "bug" going round and haven't been posting in a timely manner, but there's actually a lot going on under the radar....

..."The Rockford Area Economic Development Council gave the development partnership endeavor $75,000 in May, and Rockford Local Development Corp. has pledged $10,000...."

That "deal" I mentioned in my last post seemed MORE LOADED but couldn't remember why...well...

"...Business was booming a year ago at Rockford Local Development Corp., the nonprofit agency that aims to boost the economic welfare of the Rockford area... expects RLDC to write off about $4.4 million in bad loans for fiscal 2009..."

Oh know too, (looking back for the documentation) but THAT'S(RLDC) was the "holding" group for that $10 million the city set aside to buy those flooded homes that NOW they're trying to get federal money to tear down....
And of course, the RAEDC, another group of LarryBots, THEY get all kinds of OUR TAX DOLLARS....(They paid for LarryBoy's China trip, so he has the AUDACITY to claim "no taxpayer money was used)...

...legalese lying....