Sunday, November 1, 2009

So, I been battling the "bug" going round and haven't been posting in a timely manner, but there's actually a lot going on under the radar....

..."The Rockford Area Economic Development Council gave the development partnership endeavor $75,000 in May, and Rockford Local Development Corp. has pledged $10,000...."

That "deal" I mentioned in my last post seemed MORE LOADED but couldn't remember why...well...

"...Business was booming a year ago at Rockford Local Development Corp., the nonprofit agency that aims to boost the economic welfare of the Rockford area... expects RLDC to write off about $4.4 million in bad loans for fiscal 2009..."

Oh know too, (looking back for the documentation) but THAT'S(RLDC) was the "holding" group for that $10 million the city set aside to buy those flooded homes that NOW they're trying to get federal money to tear down....
And of course, the RAEDC, another group of LarryBots, THEY get all kinds of OUR TAX DOLLARS....(They paid for LarryBoy's China trip, so he has the AUDACITY to claim "no taxpayer money was used)...

...legalese lying....

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