Another snow job observation....
So I went down to the North End Coffee Bar,at Main& Auburn, during one of last week's measurable precipitation events and saw the owner in the MUNICIPAL PARKING LOT, shoveling a path from some parking stalls to his shop entrance.
Got me thinking how, word is from the Chuckster's reports, LarryBoy takes his morning caffiene fix at the hipster "Octane" on the newly christened 'Main Streetscape'....
So I take my cup of joe and motor to the bustling center of town....
it was so strangely ABSURD!!!!!!!
There, patrolling those 2-$3million blocks, was a "City of Rockford" smaller truck, with what appeared to be a BRAND-SPANKING NEW SALT SPREADER AND PLOW!
And it wasn't dropping good old rock salt,no no no...it spread that blue top-dollar sidewalk salt,the GOOD STUFF....the J.R.Kortman and Octane customers were treated to a pristine 2 blocks,front door parking(BUT NEITHER WERE OPEN)
And to add to the Fellini-esque landscape, Main St.,both north and south of this vacant clearing-in-the-snowfall, were snow-covered wastelands...now THAT'S SOME EXCREMENT EVERYWHERE!!!