Monday, December 7, 2009

Now, we all are THRILLED by this,huh.....
"ROCKFORD — Rockford MetroCentre officials on Friday accepted terms of a $2 million loan and a $500,000 line of credit from PNC Bank, the culmination of months of work to dig the downtown venue out of a financial hole.MetroCentre Authority board members approved the terms during a special board meeting at the arena. Earlier this week, Rockford City Council agreed to cosign the loan because the MetroCentre could not secure ample credit alone....."

I'm SSOOOOOO happy THEY agreed to let the city assume more debt on their behalf....
"...Treasurer Brian Peterson said the credit line gives the MetroCentre some breathing room and will allow officials to concentrate on scheduling the best shows and concerts instead of struggling to meet day-to-day financial obligations...."

Now I can't help but wonder...if the new IceHog-graphic Chevy HHR sitting in front of Dancin'Doug Mark's home is part of that "struggle"....

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