Thursday, March 11, 2010

There's been a couple stories lately that just so clearly illustrate the LarryCandidateBoy and Mayor LarryBoy...

"...The city is going to spend nearly $150,000 on the feasibility study that will consist of 12-hour traffic volume counts, collection of physical data about the roads and intersections, evaluations of alternate routes, public input and a final report from TY Lin International and McClure Engineering Associates...."

AND YET we were sold...

"Action: It’s Time for Action: Moving Beyond the Studies and Task Forces.
Rockford has been studied, planned, and task forced to death. To get past the studies and start getting things done, we must have focused, direct, and accountable leadership..."

Oh,and how about...

"...Everyone needs to know that their mayor will fight for this City and not be compromised,
controlled, or conflicted. Running as an independent means that State and National politics will not control the Rockford agenda...."


"...The current administration has also designed an approach that has established a culture of dependancy instead of independence...."
(though I can't find direct quote, I also recall his statement 'Rockford can't look to Springfield to solve its' problems' blahblahblah...)

So where does he get off???

"...Mayor Larry Morrissey was in the House gallery to watch the governor speak. He, too, was disappointed in what he heard, especially the governor’s plan to reduce state funding to cities by $307 million. ..."


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