Sunday, September 19, 2010

Find it interesting, the Register Star editorial board has joined the City Council in getting a bit fed up with LarryRule....
"...If these four aldermen along with the others who signed the letter to the editor follow through with nurturing their new-found leadership, it’s likely to mean confrontations between the council and the mayor over who is in charge.
Mayor Morrissey has come a long way over the past couple years in managing his instinctive “my way or highway, and I don’t suffer fools well” approach to things. But he lets his frustrations at the slow political processes make him crazy and he’ll still say things that demean those who don’t move or think as fast or as smartly as he would like them to.
It won’t be an easy relationship, this new model of Rockford government in which the aldermen demand a controlling role. Not with a mayor as focused and headstrong as this one...."
"...We understand Rockford Mayor Larry Morrissey is frustrated. But frustration is not a luxury he — or the city of Rockford — can afford right now. He needs to dial back his resentment and drop his opposition to taking a 5 percent pay cut.It’s the first chapter in the CEO playbook: He needs to lead by example.At a City Council meeting last week, Morrissey announced it was the unions’ job to reopen their contracts and make a sacrifice first. He said Rockford was in the pickle it was in because the city conceded to the unions with too-generous contracts, year after year.“If I’m them, I see us make all of these unilateral cuts to ourselves without them having to do anything. It’s laughable. It’s management by martyrdom, and that’s no way to run an organization....

See, only thing I would add is blaming the unions is a crock o' LarryCrap...

The reality can be found in the CAFR's...

Comparing 2004 thru 2009, we find LarryBoy's Empire went thru almost $10million in unreserved general fund monies and increased long-term bond debt at least $65million...TIF's, hockey team,TIF's, mall removal, TIF's, Riverwalk....
There's the problem folks, plain,simple,TRUE!!!!!!!!

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