Thursday, October 21, 2010

Back in the day, when LarryBoy first took office(gee,guess about 2005,huh?) the Register Star had 'forums' online to discuss topics of all kinds.It was back in those days of the internets, I first started my commentaries of city government with a forum thread called"LarryBoy in his own words(for what it's worth)"...What I tried to stress was how many of LarryBoy's candidate statements were totally contradicted by his actions as mayor.

Well found a RRStar commentor that NAILED LarryBoy on a grander scale than I ever achieved...
Check it out...
"...‘Unions hold the keys’Mayor Larry Morrissey said aldermen shouldn’t be surprised; the discussion was exactly what staff warned about several months ago.“The council and the unions have to make these decisions. … Do I like it? No. But this is an effective way to eliminate the deficit, given the choices we have to make,” he said. “The unions hold the keys to avoiding these layoffs. Period. … Everything we’ve thrown out there, their answer has been no.”..."

Oh, this guy,"RkfdPolitics" AWESOME!!
Over a couple story comments he goes...
"...Further proof of his false claims that labor is responsible for our budget shortfall are his comments about current labor contracts. All of these comments were made while we were in the midst of the current crisis and after the contracts were signed. Among other things he has said: First and foremost, the agreement serves the interests of our citizens, who need the fire services, but are hard pressed to afford more right now.' 'The agreement allows the City to approach the upcoming 2010 budget with a fire contract that will be within the citys means to pay.' 'I am grateful to the fire fighters for accepting wage freezes for two years and committing to exploring ways to deploy more ambulances, which are desperately needed. This is but one substantial hurdle among our present economic challenges, and I hope this will allow our citizens to appreciate that our city employees are sacrificing in unprecedented ways' 'With this agreement, similar agreements with our AFSCME and PB&PA Unions and the small increase in waste collection fees we can present a balanced budget for 2010. ..."with "...Here's the link to the quotes that I attributed to the mayor."

Dang, you got PUNKED,LarryBoy!@!!

1 comment:

RkfdPolitics said...

A few things that I didn't include in my comments on the RRStar...

In one of the quotes from Larry he states that he was grateful to the firefighters for "accepting" a wage freeze. The truth of the matter is that the firefighters were the ones who proposed the wage freeze. As a matter of fact Larry initially rejected their offer a number of times before finally coming to his senses.

A few months after signing the new fire contract and after singing it's praises in the media Larry went to Springfield and attempted to back door the firefighters by lobbying to pass legislation that would allow him to legally break the contract. That's how Larry shows his appreciation to those who "sacrifice in unprecedented ways".

If you remember, Larry laid of some firefighters back in '09. He did so even though he was fully aware that it would cost the city more money to lay them off than to keep them on the job. Due to the minimum manning clause in the contract those positions could not remain empty. This forced the city to fill those spots with other firefighters who had to be paid overtime. Needless to say the alderman weren't to happy about this so the layoffs only lasted a few weeks. Why would Larry go after those jobs when he knew it was not in the city's best financial interests? I guess Larry isn't above letting a personal grudge get in the way of doing his sworn duty.

The firefighters sacrificed wages in order to allow the city to have the financial wherewithal to continue providing the citizens with much need services. Larry not only acknowledged the need for these services, but he stated that the public was in "desperate need" of additional services. Less than six months later he attempted to close two of the eleven stations. These station closures would have caused the unemployment of over forty city firefighters. The same firefighters who already gave up wages in order to maintain staffing levels.

I guess we now know why none of the unions are willing to play ball with Larry. Larry reminds me of Lucy when she pulls the football away from Charlie every time he tries to kick it. Even good 'ol Charlie Brown will eventually get tired of this and refuse to play games with Lucy.