Sunday, March 20, 2011

I've always gotten a real kick out of the daily paper touts "Sunshine Week" a hypothetical time to call for more openness in government dealings. They publish a few editorials, cartoons, and then it's gone till next year.

There's just so much about our city administration they choose to keep in the dark.
How about...did you get your new "at&t Real Yellow Pages" phonebook? The inside of the front cover-LarryBoy and LarryDaddy's grinning faces, advertising their ambulance-chasing law firm. Seems SO UNETHICAL that a full-time, elected public official shills for his private practice.
AND, to top it off, there, right next to The Mayor's head, the CITY LOGO taxpayers PAID for, the ubiquitous "Real, Original" crap!!!!!!

Just don't seem right.

1 comment:

juliekce said...

The ad in AT&T phone book is something I have noticed for several years. Have you called the Winnebago County Bar Association to inquire about the ethics of such a thing, perhaps in terms of conflict of interest? I have, and the response is interesting. Have you called your Alderman to express your opinion..and how about City Legal Dept.? Just some thoughts.