Wednesday, June 22, 2011

So I'm not gonna go into how my computer crashed and I lost passwords (and blah, blah, blah).
Now I'm back and just gotta say, LarryBoy's Empire of Rockford resembles "BizarroWorld" more with each passing day.

Check THIS out....LarryBoy swaggered into office with all this talk of cutting-edge-modern-technology-better-government. I understand used to be every supervisor (guess they're "managers" now) was issued a Blackberry (don't know if this still is going on, budget cuts and all, dontcha know).

On that webpage, under ISSUES we find Time for the Future... (gee, gives me goosebumps!)

"We must improv communication opportunities with public
elected officials through use of technologies like e-mail and the City’s web site."

REALLY??? Maybe oughta think about, oh, that futurist program SPELLCHECK!!!

current administration has failed to set clear priorities, and instead has been distracted by novelty
items like a gambling casino

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