So been working on a longer blog post about the LarryBoy'sEmpire's budget dog and phony show, but this week was some typical silliness deserving a notice...
Thought it conspicuous LarryBoy didn't show in the Labor Day Parade....I mean it's obvious he detests public service workers' unions but never stopped him from showing his smiley wave before...
But lo and behold, there he is at the 911 ceremony honoring his ARCHENEMIES...police and fire!!!
Friday, August 12, 2011
Wow, LarryBoy's Empire just tumbling around in BizarroWorld....didja see the TIF tiff?
"...If the city doesn’t get enough money from taxes to pay back the bonds, it will have to find a way to make up the difference. Typically, when a TIF district isn’t producing enough revenue, city leaders have to borrow money from the general fund to pay its bills for the year...." WORRIED NOW???
It appears most the TIF Districts created by LarryBoy have been robbing the general fund for years..,.transfers in,out,de-tiffed,'s the ULTIMATE SHELLGAME
I have an idea! Let's blame the EMPLOYEES, LAW, CONTRACTS, and ARBITRATORS...BRILLIANT!!!!
"...If the city doesn’t get enough money from taxes to pay back the bonds, it will have to find a way to make up the difference. Typically, when a TIF district isn’t producing enough revenue, city leaders have to borrow money from the general fund to pay its bills for the year...." WORRIED NOW???
It appears most the TIF Districts created by LarryBoy have been robbing the general fund for years..,.transfers in,out,de-tiffed,'s the ULTIMATE SHELLGAME
I have an idea! Let's blame the EMPLOYEES, LAW, CONTRACTS, and ARBITRATORS...BRILLIANT!!!!
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Didja see this story, with the picture of LarryBoy in front of the casino 'set'? It was at the Riverfront Museum Park.
Let's step back, remember his website,
and his "Leadership Position Paper"?
"...The current administration has failed to set clear priorities, and instead has been distracted by novelty
items like a gambling casino and a publicly funded convention center. ..."
So we got Rockford leaders celebrate official start of riverwalk (also at the Riverfront Museum Park.)
And today, In Saturday's paper: Study keeps whitewater park dreams alive.
So in these economic times HOW IN SAM HILL, IS A RIVERWALK and WHITEWATER PARK NOT "NOVELTIES???????????"
Let's step back, remember his website,
and his "Leadership Position Paper"?
"...The current administration has failed to set clear priorities, and instead has been distracted by novelty
items like a gambling casino and a publicly funded convention center. ..."
So we got Rockford leaders celebrate official start of riverwalk (also at the Riverfront Museum Park.)
And today, In Saturday's paper: Study keeps whitewater park dreams alive.
So in these economic times HOW IN SAM HILL, IS A RIVERWALK and WHITEWATER PARK NOT "NOVELTIES???????????"
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
So I'm not gonna go into how my computer crashed and I lost passwords (and blah, blah, blah).
Now I'm back and just gotta say, LarryBoy's Empire of Rockford resembles "BizarroWorld" more with each passing day.
Check THIS out....LarryBoy swaggered into office with all this talk of cutting-edge-modern-technology-better-government. I understand used to be every supervisor (guess they're "managers" now) was issued a Blackberry (don't know if this still is going on, budget cuts and all, dontcha know).
On that webpage, under ISSUES we find Time for the Future... (gee, gives me goosebumps!)
"We must improv communication opportunities with public
elected officials through use of technologies like e-mail and the City’s web site."
REALLY??? Maybe oughta think about, oh, that futurist program SPELLCHECK!!!
current administration has failed to set clear priorities, and instead has been distracted by novelty
items like a gambling casino
Now I'm back and just gotta say, LarryBoy's Empire of Rockford resembles "BizarroWorld" more with each passing day.
Check THIS out....LarryBoy swaggered into office with all this talk of cutting-edge-modern-technology-better-government. I understand used to be every supervisor (guess they're "managers" now) was issued a Blackberry (don't know if this still is going on, budget cuts and all, dontcha know).
On that webpage, under ISSUES we find Time for the Future... (gee, gives me goosebumps!)
"We must improv communication opportunities with public
elected officials through use of technologies like e-mail and the City’s web site."
REALLY??? Maybe oughta think about, oh, that futurist program SPELLCHECK!!!
current administration has failed to set clear priorities, and instead has been distracted by novelty
items like a gambling casino
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Couple things this week...
"... Dave’s Hot Dog Stand, a summertime fixture. This summer, the stand and other street vendors will have the opportunity to return to the Main Street Festival Zone, which is Main from Elm to Mulberry streets...."
Got THAT? They kicked out this guy to tear out the pedestrian mall where he set up....
And MILLIONS OF TAX$$$$$$$$$ later.... we let him move back though probably have to CLOSE the street to be safe for customers...
Have you driven that clusterf*&%k?
The way they go from the parking lane and then ballooned out corners...a regular BOTTLENECK....and moving 'traffic' thru downtown? WHAT A JOKE! there's no left turn signals or lanes so IF someone wants to turn left and you are 3-4 cars back, you might sit thru 3-4 green lights,waiting while traffic stretches behind block after block. Amnd just wait till they spend hundres of thousands to make Church St. 2-way...25 cars downtown will have the potential for absolute GRIDLOCK!~!
That'll 'revitalize downtown' huh?
"... Dave’s Hot Dog Stand, a summertime fixture. This summer, the stand and other street vendors will have the opportunity to return to the Main Street Festival Zone, which is Main from Elm to Mulberry streets...."
Got THAT? They kicked out this guy to tear out the pedestrian mall where he set up....
And MILLIONS OF TAX$$$$$$$$$ later.... we let him move back though probably have to CLOSE the street to be safe for customers...
Have you driven that clusterf*&%k?
The way they go from the parking lane and then ballooned out corners...a regular BOTTLENECK....and moving 'traffic' thru downtown? WHAT A JOKE! there's no left turn signals or lanes so IF someone wants to turn left and you are 3-4 cars back, you might sit thru 3-4 green lights,waiting while traffic stretches behind block after block. Amnd just wait till they spend hundres of thousands to make Church St. 2-way...25 cars downtown will have the potential for absolute GRIDLOCK!~!
That'll 'revitalize downtown' huh?
Sunday, March 20, 2011
I've always gotten a real kick out of the daily paper touts "Sunshine Week" a hypothetical time to call for more openness in government dealings. They publish a few editorials, cartoons, and then it's gone till next year.
There's just so much about our city administration they choose to keep in the dark.
How about...did you get your new "at&t Real Yellow Pages" phonebook? The inside of the front cover-LarryBoy and LarryDaddy's grinning faces, advertising their ambulance-chasing law firm. Seems SO UNETHICAL that a full-time, elected public official shills for his private practice.
AND, to top it off, there, right next to The Mayor's head, the CITY LOGO taxpayers PAID for, the ubiquitous "Real, Original" crap!!!!!!
Just don't seem right.
There's just so much about our city administration they choose to keep in the dark.
How about...did you get your new "at&t Real Yellow Pages" phonebook? The inside of the front cover-LarryBoy and LarryDaddy's grinning faces, advertising their ambulance-chasing law firm. Seems SO UNETHICAL that a full-time, elected public official shills for his private practice.
AND, to top it off, there, right next to The Mayor's head, the CITY LOGO taxpayers PAID for, the ubiquitous "Real, Original" crap!!!!!!
Just don't seem right.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Haven't heard about that 'selling the water system' idea for a while, but that doesn't mean LarryBoy isn't scheming behind the scenes.
So here's an example of "Privatized Government" services...
"About 360 residents of Cherry Valley Township could see their water rates quadruple by the end of the year...."
So here's an example of "Privatized Government" services...
"About 360 residents of Cherry Valley Township could see their water rates quadruple by the end of the year...."
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
So been under the weather a bit so where to start?
Oh check THIS OUT....
"...The arbitrator’s ruling “finds that (police Chief Chet Epperson) and (city Legal Director Patrick Hayes) willfully violated the collective bargaining agreement,”..."
CrackerJack legal minds,huh? Then LarryBoy uses his "Officer's Report" to bash the arbitrator, just like when a fire arbitration ruled 64 MEANS 64...imagine that?
So couple things struck me....
for a LAWYER LarryBoy sure doesn't RESPECT THE LEGAL SYSTEM....I mean he loses and it's open season on courts, laws, and arbitrators.
Secondly, as a TAXPAYER, I'm FED UP with this administration wasting so much time and money TRYING TO BREAK CONTRACTS signed 'in good faith'...
Oh check THIS OUT....
"...The arbitrator’s ruling “finds that (police Chief Chet Epperson) and (city Legal Director Patrick Hayes) willfully violated the collective bargaining agreement,”..."
CrackerJack legal minds,huh? Then LarryBoy uses his "Officer's Report" to bash the arbitrator, just like when a fire arbitration ruled 64 MEANS 64...imagine that?
So couple things struck me....
for a LAWYER LarryBoy sure doesn't RESPECT THE LEGAL SYSTEM....I mean he loses and it's open season on courts, laws, and arbitrators.
Secondly, as a TAXPAYER, I'm FED UP with this administration wasting so much time and money TRYING TO BREAK CONTRACTS signed 'in good faith'...
Saturday, February 12, 2011
So this past week saw the kinda whiplash reactions LarryBoy's Empire has spawned...See,THIS
story brings out commentators so angry that concerned citizens would DARE to apply(and GET) historic designation for the Amerock Building and yet the next day
people act like LarryBoy, using THE SAME "redevelopment tool" just healed a couple lepers....different rules for different folks...
the talk of property tax breaks led me HERE
and low and behold, LarryBoy has NO PROPERTY ON WHICH TO PAY CITY PROPERTY TAXES...
story brings out commentators so angry that concerned citizens would DARE to apply(and GET) historic designation for the Amerock Building and yet the next day
people act like LarryBoy, using THE SAME "redevelopment tool" just healed a couple lepers....different rules for different folks...
the talk of property tax breaks led me HERE
and low and behold, LarryBoy has NO PROPERTY ON WHICH TO PAY CITY PROPERTY TAXES...
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Rockford Scandals and Shenanigans
had a fabulous (as always) find on a lobbying firm the city pays $120,000 a I'm thinking what 'fund' is THIS coming out of and so I head to and
OH BOY!!!!!
A 'new,uplifting' City WEBSITE!!!!!!!!!
Bright,new logo scrolling pix,starting with LarryBoy followed by his masterpuppet...Venita!!always in his corner..,.screw the citizens,I'M A LAWYER I AM SMART I KNOW WHAT IS BEST...SHUT UP
had a fabulous (as always) find on a lobbying firm the city pays $120,000 a I'm thinking what 'fund' is THIS coming out of and so I head to and
OH BOY!!!!!
A 'new,uplifting' City WEBSITE!!!!!!!!!
Bright,new logo scrolling pix,starting with LarryBoy followed by his masterpuppet...Venita!!always in his corner..,.screw the citizens,I'M A LAWYER I AM SMART I KNOW WHAT IS BEST...SHUT UP
Friday, January 21, 2011
The EXCELLENT Facebook page-writer at Rockford Scandals and Shenanigans ,well, they beat me to the punch on half this post.
See,past week brought THIS dandy downtown deal they wrote about...A DOWNTOWN development fundraiser in....CHERRY VALLEY!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, but that's only half the story...
Keep in mind,MILLIONS of TAX DOLLAR$$ for the Riverwalk, right, so some of the reasoning is starting at Burpbee Museum to showcase the dinosaur exhibits, right, SO are we building that FREAKIN'RIVERWALK ALL THE WAY TO THE CHERRYVALE MALL????
That' s where the newest,bestest DinoBones are........
See,past week brought THIS dandy downtown deal they wrote about...A DOWNTOWN development fundraiser in....CHERRY VALLEY!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, but that's only half the story...
Keep in mind,MILLIONS of TAX DOLLAR$$ for the Riverwalk, right, so some of the reasoning is starting at Burpbee Museum to showcase the dinosaur exhibits, right, SO are we building that FREAKIN'RIVERWALK ALL THE WAY TO THE CHERRYVALE MALL????
That' s where the newest,bestest DinoBones are........
Friday, January 14, 2011
So this past Mon. at CityCouncil, LarryBoy's 'co-chair' of the "citizen"group pushing the "INFRASTRUCTURE!!" tax claimed the use of this tax 'reduces the city's long-term bond debt'....
from the CAFR "For the Year Ended December 31,2006"
general fund balance was $29,714,629
longterm bond debt was $148,149,882,OK?
And for 2009....
general fund stood at $22,006,223(that's -$6.7mill.)
and longterm bond debt stood at $201,771,748(increase of about $52million!!!!!!)
As they say,how's that working out for you??????????
from the CAFR "For the Year Ended December 31,2006"
general fund balance was $29,714,629
longterm bond debt was $148,149,882,OK?
And for 2009....
general fund stood at $22,006,223(that's -$6.7mill.)
and longterm bond debt stood at $201,771,748(increase of about $52million!!!!!!)
As they say,how's that working out for you??????????
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Well,the propaganda ministry of LarryBoy keeps cranking it out....
"...Mayor Larry Morrissey said Monday that the union’s latest offer to the city amounts to an 8 percent pay raise....."
See, there is NOWHERE I can find anything to that supports this statement...certainly seems just another attempt to turn citizens against the people(public works,police,fire) that actually PROVIDE SERVICES tax dollars should provide.
Meanwhile..."To prevent overspending"
we read "...Morrissey and some aldermen insisted on and pushed for a balanced general fund budget before 2011 spending started so the city wouldn’t overspend in the first quarter...."
As been pointed out by "Rockford Shenanigans...." LarryBoy's administration has habitually overspent (that's where most of the General Fund drawdown has gone) and additionally, keep in mind LarryBoy promised to give Julia Valdez that $38,000raise as soon as the budget passed....this administration worries about passing a 'balanced budget' then spends wherever and whenever LarryBoy wants../.
"...Mayor Larry Morrissey said Monday that the union’s latest offer to the city amounts to an 8 percent pay raise....."
See, there is NOWHERE I can find anything to that supports this statement...certainly seems just another attempt to turn citizens against the people(public works,police,fire) that actually PROVIDE SERVICES tax dollars should provide.
Meanwhile..."To prevent overspending"
we read "...Morrissey and some aldermen insisted on and pushed for a balanced general fund budget before 2011 spending started so the city wouldn’t overspend in the first quarter...."
As been pointed out by "Rockford Shenanigans...." LarryBoy's administration has habitually overspent (that's where most of the General Fund drawdown has gone) and additionally, keep in mind LarryBoy promised to give Julia Valdez that $38,000raise as soon as the budget passed....this administration worries about passing a 'balanced budget' then spends wherever and whenever LarryBoy wants../.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Well,THIS passed tonight...
"....To some, establishing a separate fund for aldermen to hire their own attorneys rather than use the city’s Legal Department is a way to avoid placing staff in the middle of their battles.
But to other aldermen, it’s a political power play designed to divide and conquer.
“I think they want to shut certain people out of city operations,” said Ald. Venita Hervey, D-5. “It’s being set up by a group of people who are carving out their own niche to create a subcouncil on the City Council that wants to make all of the decisions.”...."
Well, EXCUSE ME Ms.Venita, but the same could be said about your constant LarryBoyBlind Allegiance, even going so far as to release INACCURATE information(in MY opinion, BLATANT LIE!) concerning the fire union wage 'request' a few weeks back.....seems you were elected to represent CITIZENS not the administration....
"....To some, establishing a separate fund for aldermen to hire their own attorneys rather than use the city’s Legal Department is a way to avoid placing staff in the middle of their battles.
But to other aldermen, it’s a political power play designed to divide and conquer.
“I think they want to shut certain people out of city operations,” said Ald. Venita Hervey, D-5. “It’s being set up by a group of people who are carving out their own niche to create a subcouncil on the City Council that wants to make all of the decisions.”...."
Well, EXCUSE ME Ms.Venita, but the same could be said about your constant LarryBoyBlind Allegiance, even going so far as to release INACCURATE information(in MY opinion, BLATANT LIE!) concerning the fire union wage 'request' a few weeks back.....seems you were elected to represent CITIZENS not the administration....
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Rockford City Council misses 2011 budget deadline - Rockford, IL - Rockford Register Star
Rockford City Council misses 2011 budget deadline - Rockford, IL - Rockford Register Star: Here's another one of thosae oddities one finds in LarryBoy's Empire ".....the city could have a budget surplus of $38,860."
Now $38grand is how much MORE LarryBoy promised to pay Julia Valdez-(something,drawing a blank on that hyphenated woman)....
Now $38grand is how much MORE LarryBoy promised to pay Julia Valdez-(something,drawing a blank on that hyphenated woman)....
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