Sunday, January 27, 2008

Mon Jul 24, 2006 11:17 pm

So, not only do we have a Mon. nite circus, now LarryBoy brings you Sat. morning cartoons......... Tune into Cliffbreakers to see the Boy Blunder tussle with aldermen and citizens.......... It could be funny if it wasn't all too true......
Mayor, aldermen spar over health-plan chat By Bob Schaper ROCKFORD REGISTER STAR
...The meeting — advertised all week as a joint caucus between Democrats
and Republicans — was intended as a way for all aldermen to informally discuss a
controversial health insurance proposal offered by Morrissey’s administration.
“I wish we had known about this before quarter to 8 in the morning,” Mark said,
adding that he coordinated the event with the city’s legal department and had
been told the meeting was proper. “We’ve been very specific all week.” Holt said
Morrissey had always been welcome to sit in on the meeting, but the mayor’s
desire to be chairman was political “grandstanding.” He said the council should
hire its own lawyer in the future. “The legal department apparently didn’t give
us good advice,” he told Morrissey. “They work for us, too. They don’t just work
for you.” Eventually, the council yielded to Morrissey, and he called the
meeting to order. Immediately, residents were forced out of the room while the
council went into executive session....
Just hope LarryBoy got some GOOOOD advice on this move.......If they discussed the health insurance plan for ALL employees,[not just the Unions'] HE WAS IN VIOLATION OF THE STATE OPEN-MEETINGS ACT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
....City Council tries to exclude mayor and legal director from meeting ...Ald. Doug Mark (R-3), Republican caucus chairman, said the meeting was posted on the City Council’s weekly “date of call” list by Thursday—more than 48 hours prior to the meeting. City Clerk Diane Reed e-mailed the “date of call” list at 7:30 a.m. July 19 to the media and other interested parties. Mark said “nobody questioned (Morrissey’s) ability to be there.” But he said Hayes and the Legal Department never let on holding a meeting without him would be a problem. According to Mark, Morrissey informed them he was required to lead the meeting when he arrived. He said neither Hayes nor the Legal Department has offered an explanation regarding the allegedly faulty advice."

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