Sunday, January 27, 2008

Thu Jun 22, 2006 12:44 am

Post subject: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORRISSEY OFFERS INSIGHT INTO HIS LEADERSHIP, MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION FORMULA “We must stop planning in secret and start leading in public,” he said. “The City will thrive when we take bold steps and the people of the community, which are the engine of this community, trust and follow the direction the City is taking.” Is this like the employees and their insurance increase? Morrissey also noted that the City must do a better job of managing and coordinating public and private resources. “The City must be accountable for all operations where public money is spent. Under a Morrissey administration, we will be accountable for leading in these areas and achieving results,” he said. Is this like paying debt on the Garrison TIF?? “Rockford has been studied, planned, and task forced to death,” Morrissey said. “To get past the studies and start getting things done, we must have focused, direct, and accountable leadership. We will get beyond the studies and start making positives moves for our future.” Is this like the rail service study, riverwalk study????

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