Thursday, March 26, 2009

So I must confess,I didn't watch my recording of last night's debate yet,so don't know quite what to make of the follow-up story...
but seems LarryBoy has an obsession with Block 'looking in the camera'...and blaming the unions in Rockford for everything wrong in the Forest City....same thing he pulled "on-line"...
Sorry,but this just makes those sappy campaign spots(notice the birds singing in the background?) REALLY make you look like a phony, much LOVE for Rockford, so much HATE for all the working stiffs footing all your grand "Re-Development Visions" BOND DEBT....(heard Harmon make an excellent point year,property will be re-assessed,with dropping values,how's those TIF"increments" gonna fare,huh??The BOND DEBT WON'T go down....)

(psst,buddy,wanna buy a TIF?...It's the only game in town)

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