Thursday, March 12, 2009

Well,this was interesting...
Big rush to get the budget to the floor....

...The Finance and Personnel Committee recommended raising fees for ambulance service to 68 percent of the actual cost, potentially raising $650,000 in revenue this year.
But doing that eliminates a proposal to reduce the number of firefighters on city fire engines, one measure among many to find $8.6 million in proposed budget cuts and balance the 2009 general fund....
Mayor Larry Morrissey is concerned with the change in direction, saying no information was presented on what the city can expect as far as how much insurance companies, Medicare or Medicaid would cover under the new proposed fee structure....

See the thing is...this didn't COME from the F&P Committee...this proposal came in a memorandum from NumberMan Sammuls...And better still...that proposed deficit WENT DOWN!!!
After so many weeks where the total kept climbing,$4mill,$6.2,$8.9....suddenly!!!$4.8!!
What feat....SuperNumberCruncherSammuls In the memo...Jeff Kolkey(writer of the news story) seemed to miss that ...
What a web we weave.....

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