Friday, March 13, 2009

So much going on so fast....
Checking out the aldermanic forum...
and see,all this downtown stuff....well,so WHO'S Next Rockford,anyhow?
So it's this hip,urban,successful group of Gen X/Yers with a committment,appears to me,basically centered on Charter Schools and Downtown Development....hmmm,sounds familiar...
Who is it???
Members include....
Geeser, Ed Morrissey, Larry Sosnowski, Joe

Gosh,don't suppose there was an AGENDA to the 'forum',huh?

I guess I got a question for many of this group live in some of those fabulously hip downtown lofts we taxpayers have subsidized over the last few years???you putting your money where your mouth(s) is????they must ALL BE FULL,huh,is that why we need to pour million$$$$$ more down there?????????

And so I was so pleased to hear a committment to finally move on WestSide development...
.... Anderson’s Spring Creek Development Group, shared with residents plans to bring a grocery store, a restaurant, an immediate-care facility, a dentist office, a senior citizen complex, a private ambulance service and other businesses to the area....

but my expectations were lower when I saw this....
Anderson, David Real Estate Developer Spring Creek Partners

So appears to me just another(little BLATANT) taxpayers-TIF-rip-off at the hands of a pay-off to another LarryBot....

Spring Creek Development 330 Springcreek Road
Rockford, IL 61107 $500.00
3/7/2008 Individual Contribution
Citizens for Morrissey
Spring Creek Development 330 Springcreek Road
Rockford, IL 61107 $1,500.00
6/7/2008 Individual Contribution
Citizens for Morrissey

Oh,and by the way...this was held at Heartland Church,and so the Rockford Business College moved there with a fabulous remodel project and now called Rockford"Career" you suppose the city subsidized that????
AHED of Illinois Rockford Business College
730 N. Church St.
Rockford, IL 61103 $500.00
5/14/2008 Individual Contribution
Citizens for Morrissey

No wonder services at Heartland actually thank God for sending LarryBoy to "lead" Rockford....
jeez,does the guy have ANY scruples????

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