Sunday, September 27, 2009

Really intended to comment on THIS CRAP....
yesterday, so today works,huh?
"ROCKFORD — A path took shape today for a budget advisory group that’s awash in unfamiliar statistics but armed with considerable private-sector financial experience. Mayor Larry Morrissey’s City Budget and Finance Advisory Group met for a second time and brought some focus to its ambitious mission to find recommendations that would disentangle the city from projected budget deficits. Made up of more than a dozen financial experts and business leaders, the group was asked to come up with a report by the end of November.

At stake are not only city finances, but also perhaps what level of services, from police and fire to library and public works, is provided by Rockford...."

(Excellent services?maybe not so much ...)
And check THIS "...
Meanwhile, the group noted a growing divide between the income of Rockford residents and city employees. The median family income of Rockford residents was $47,491 in 2007, the lowest in a group of eight comparable Illinois cities.

Committee members compared that statistic with what Rockford employees make. Salary and benefits for the average Rockford firefighter combined total $115,193 a year; for the average police officer, it’s $104,486 and for the average nonpublic safety city employee, $74,935, according to information provided by city officials. ..." nice littles apples to oranges, there "TightSuit"Hayes....
OOO,OOO, this is GREAT....
"...Cutting health costs
Advisory group members said wellness, risk management and safety programs could be a way to reduce long-term health insurance costs.
Ryan Brauns of Rockford Consulting & Brokerage said companies have encouraged employee participation in wellness programs that encourage healthy lifestyles, improved nutrition and exercise through incentives and even surcharges for not participating.
“What we would like to deploy is a reward-based system,” Brauns said....."(See the 'companies' well that's HIS and his daddy's and THEY MAKE A PERCENTAGE OFF EVERY INSURANCE PREMIUM....

(Coming next...COMMENTS on the story....)

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