Saturday, September 12, 2009

Wonderful perspective... a hand-picked group of developer/speculators, protecting THEIR slice of taxpayer dollars(especially TIF handouts), celebrate the end of the Labor Day week with an assault on the city employees providing the BASIC CITY SERVICES....priceless!
And so begins LarryBoy's stooge panel ...."Members of the ad hoc committee, hand-selected by Mayor Larry Morrissey, plan to study and analyze the city’s budget.. what city officials described as “uncontrollable expenses” — personnel and pension costs tied mainly to the public safety arena..."See, you got MoneyBags Sammuls feeding this hand-picked group the information LARRYBOY WANTS THEM TO SEE...and they point out the problems as LarryBoy SEES them...
I mean really, I feel like a broken record but I'm simply astounded that BASIC CITY SERVICES are the stuff people pay taxes FOR...the TIF bond debt, the hockey team, mall tear-out, luxury lofts and myriad other "special economic development schemes" that LarryBoy
has embraced since first taking office, THAT'S the drain on the city coffers they DON'T want people looking into....
" “We have built an organization that is unsustainable,” said City Administrator Jim Ryan. “It was built on the premise that tomorrow will always be better than today. ... History has proved that it hasn’t been.”..." EXACTLY!!!!!!!

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