Saturday, September 26, 2009

Recent letters to the editor...
nothing to add....

The idea of reducing the number of firefighters and police officers should not even be under consideration.

Aldermen need to take a long, hard look at their responsibilities to the citizens of our city. In this time of continuing revenue declines, aldermen have a difficult and thankless job.

Nevertheless, it is the job they campaigned for, and now they make the difficult decisions.

This would be a good time for them to participate in a training session on the responsibilities of city elected officials and ask the citizens what their service priorities are.

Maybe they might learn how to prioritize city services and make those difficult decisions.

I hope we could agree that the top priority, at any time, is public safety. The community can understand and learn to live with slower snow removal, but delays in 911? Outrageous!

— Julie Elliott, Rockford
The city wants to lay off police officers and firefighters and cut back on plowing this winter while raising taxes. These are public safety services we’re told are Priority No. 1.

During the mayor’s first election campaign, he pledged to increase city services while not raising taxes. The city should give these groups the chance to reduce their budgets as was given the library folks before layoffs are done.

Rockford has the highest unemployment in the state and one of the highest crime rates. Unemployed people with reduced income equals increased crime.

Chief Epperson says the layoffs will not jeopardize public safety. If that’s the case, why weren’t more police laid off earlier to save money? So be it.

If Rockford can find money to build a riverwalk, which in large part is not even close enough to the river to see it, we should be able to figure this out.

The mayor and his staff will most likely never have a better chance to really shine as now during these tough times. Show us what you got.

— G. Lee Cecil, Rockford

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