Saturday, February 16, 2008

Mon Nov 06, 2006

This seems long ago............."Consultant proposal Ryan noted a proposal to pay Rockford Consulting & Brokerage $78,000 for benefits consulting work was far less than what the Rockford School District paid for its health-care consultant." Published: August 2, 2006 And then there's TODAY......"The Morrissey administration will ask aldermen tonight to approve changes to health insurance benefits for nonunion workers."..."He said he would ask aldermen to suspend council rules and push the measure through in one night." What's the hurry, LarryBoy???????The consultant contributed to your campaign, right??????? By passing the measure this week, he said, the council would strengthen the city’s position at upcoming arbitration hearings with the police and firefighters unions. Morrissey complained bitterly that his administration had had “its legs cut out from under us” by aldermen who were afraid of angering the unions. But in reality, he said, they had little to fear. “Fifty-eight percent of the cops don’t live in the city,” he said. “How effective are they going to be in a campaign against you?”..........Oh, that's a great reason..........Don't care about the employees unless they can help you get re-elected.......EXCELLENCE EVERYWHERE........if you contribute to his campaign and vote the way you want........ Unity: Communication & Trust: To accomplish great things we must have a unified team. Unfortunately, moral among City employees, as with the City as a whole, has been down. This stems from leadership that has not communicated with and involved its people in a real sense. Everyone in the City needs to know that we are one City and our fates are tied together. We must know that we are building toward the same goal. We must staff for success and direct the many organizations both public and private that look to the City for leadership. Hey, LarryBoy, ever READ YOUR OWN POSITION PAPERS???????????????, by the way...........I sure hope that consultant lives in awful lotta people from out-of-town contributed to LarryBoy's campaign......... Don't need their VOTES if you got their MONEY!!!!!!!!!! EXCELLENCE EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!! (and remember, LarryBoy is NOT responsible for payment of property taxes.........gotta love those Limited Liability Corporations)

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