Friday, February 1, 2008

Wed Sep 13, 2006 /Fri Sep 15, 2006

Opinion Columnists
Business urges mayor and council to modernize city’s health insurance
Special to the Register Star
............"The city’s plan operates like an open checkbook with no deductible and no co-pays. This may seem great to the plan participants, but in the long run it hurts all." That's my favorite line, I believe LarryBoy said it first about three weeks ago at a news conference at EIGERLAB........Best Part?......It's a your local fire station and ask anyone there if they had absolutely NO out-of-pocket health expenses since the first of the year.........ask any police officer or any other ciy employee.........PROPAGANDA......wonder if "As business owners, managers, and as taxpayers," they are also on the "Re-ELECT LARRYBOY " campaign bandwagon..........HMMMMMMMMMMM
I did a little digging around and found that the author/contact person of that "Opinion" commentary was a Cathy I thought, what type of "business leader" was she?????? and then I find campaign disclosure information about "Citizens for Morrissey" and she's some type of campaign publicity worker, just trying to get LarryBoy's message across.......

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