Friday, February 1, 2008

Thu Aug 24, 2006

" Morrissey wants to hire Rockford Consulting and Brokerage to help with the contract consulting. But some alderman worry the company was selected over others, only because they contributed to Morrissey's campaign. Alderman John Beck says, "People are maybe thinking that the other firm didn't quite get the same opportunity to present their abilities to the city council." Morrissey says, "No one should be selected simply because they support an individual candidate for a mayors race or aldermanic race likewise someone shouldn't be deselected or not selected simply because they support they support a certain candidate." Morrissey says under this contract they are not required by law to go with the lowest bidder. The questions forced alderman to send it back to committee. Now they'll focus on union negotiations.
But what did Campaigner LarryBoy say????
"When the administration is perceived as playing favorites and having an unfair playing field for developers and businesses, we discourage many other developers and businesses from doing business in Rockford. That is extremely damaging to this community.".........

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