Friday, February 1, 2008

Wed Aug 30, 2006

ROCKFORD — With only days remaining before a ballot deadline, Mayor Larry Morrissey on Monday declined to give his views on a proposed sales-tax referendum for this fall. Morrissey said he “very likely” will hold a news conference later in the week to speak his mind. He would not hint at what his opinion is, or even what day the conference will be. “We’re five months after the last referendum failed, and the mayor has not told the community what his plan is to fix the roads,” Holt said. “That’s why you’ve seen the aldermen put up their own proposals.” Ald. Dan Conness, D-14, proposed a 0.75 percentage point increase on July 10. The money generated by the hike would be used to fund road improvements and pay down existing road bonds. Let's look at his position paper " Urban Planning, Transportation, Energy & The Environment" "We can and must design our community so owning an automobile is a luxury instead of a necessity."...............who needs roads repaired, I guess they are a luxury, too.................

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