Saturday, February 16, 2008

Sat Nov 11, 2006

Well, looks like the threats of Patrick "Tight-Suit" Hayes worked, the AFSCME union caved in on their contract talks. Gotta wonder WHAT( if anything) the union leadership was thinking, acting as TOOLS of this anti-worker administration.... Most of the Executive Board were HUGE cheerleaders for LarryBoy, then disappointed by him AFTER he got in office........except ONE member of the negociating team, heck, in the midst of these contentious talks, he cooked for the LarryBoy fundraiser in October. Hey, ANY union leaders, NOTE TO SELF, When your candidate(LarryBoy) has a relative that owns a temporary worker service, and he receives campaign contributions from the other big temp. agencies, well maybe regardless of his lying promises, HE DON'T LIKE WORKERS!!! DUH!!!!!!!!!
shootfromthelip sez..."i am not sure it is fair to say that larryboy doesn't like workers since i am doubtful he even knows any real workers"...unmanager sez.."TRUE DAT!!!"....

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