Friday, April 10, 2009

back to my talk with Doug...
See,he was so disappointed with LarryBoy's major campaign distraction whining about campaign tactics...Doug was subjected to numerous shady tricks...SOMEONE started a whisper campaign(Jim"Rove"Thacker??)among the black community Doug was racist....code enforcers hassled him on signs while ignoring Morrissey-stooge candidates(think Weaver,Bonne) guilty of the same violations....
Doug's supporters WANTED a more mud-slinger type campaign,but he didn't want to go there...
Think about it...Coppergate,Jim("DUI" in a CITY VEHICLE)Ryan....there was plenty more....think about it...the police officers are aware of many sleazy goings-ons that have been hushed by the media and administration
Despite the IMAGE of Doug painted by LarryBoy and dutifully copied/pasted by The RegisterStar, the guy has HONESTY and INTEGRITY that really would have brought true change to Rockford government...well,it's the city's loss...

(so on a note related to "dirty tricks",now I have no complete understanding of text message tracking,but LarryBoy showed that offensive text being FORWARDED to and by Doug's son,so is it not logical that they know WHO originated it? How come THAT wasn't publicized?Could some LarryBot have started the whole thing hoping for this outcome???)

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