Monday, April 6, 2009

So tommorrow's Election is finally here...a little reflection on the "Reign of LarryBoy" is inevitable....Random ramblings to follow...

The Chuckster ....
gives his typical kudos to LarryBoy for "accomplishments" and hopes he changes his "style" a bit...." Morrissey(he) needs to expand his tight-knit inner circle to reflect Rockford’s diversity...."
See,that's just not gonna happen. LarryBoy grew up insolated,insulated,...I just can't see him changing now.
Look at this past week....a virtual WhineFest...sign placement,text messages,pictures with Blago,the firefighter campaign for PUBLIC SAFETY...
(there's another point,Chuck excuses LarryBoy...."Maybe Morrissey is sobered by what’s on his plate. His first four years featured back-to-back floods....." Well,see I've always been convinced that LarryBoy,with his "VISION" of..." city government by using statistical models...."
Determined after the FIRST flood,STATISTICALLY, it wouldn't happen again,he IGNORED the need to address the Keith Creek clean-up...that crapshoot didn't fall his way...NOW he's willing to risk Rockford citizens SAFETY by reducing manning on the fire trucks....


Another thought on Chuck's comments "... disappointed in Morrissey’s campaign. I haven’t seen the vigor that characterized his prior efforts. I’m not quite sure what he wants to do that’s new in a second term. Maybe Morrissey is sobered by what’s on his plate. His first four years featured back-to-back floods. In a second term, he’ll have to have a sandbagging operation against a flood of recession-related woes...."
Pure speculation,but I just can't help but wonder if somewhere along the line,LarryBoy has committed TOO MANY TAX$$$ to "redevelopment" and realizes THOSE bets won't cover his IOU's...and it's only a matter of time before the public finds out...maybe the "vigor" isn't there because he REALLY DOESN'T WANT TO BE IN OFFICE when the stuff finds the fan...

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