Sunday, April 12, 2009

So there was this story again today.... reinforcing the gloom and doom scenario facing local governments,but we have yet to be informed by the RRStar of THIS "moneypit" project of LarryBoy....
Quote:City leaders found out that they're over budget on this project by hundreds of thousands of dollars, based on construction bids opened on Thursday.... The project entails tearing down the existing Main Street Mall and extending Main Street through that area with sidewalks. The city was targeting a May 1st start date to get rolling on the work. But now project leaders expect to start at least a few weeks later, after learning the low bid came in $700,000 over budget.... See the newspaper is LarryBoy's biggest mall removal cheerleader.....none of the folks involved in this decision really care WHAT the cost....this one bold move will singlehandedly save Rockford from mediocrity...raising it to it's rightful place among hip,urban,eco-friendly,21st Century,job-attracting mecca for all that is good in the world.... KEEP MOVING FORWARD!!!! EXCELLENCE EVERYWHERE!!!“we’ve got to throw every dollar we can at redeveloping downtown.”

1 comment:

jay said...

why is it always the same Ole stuff,bids always more than expected .you would think that with the staff in our city government they should at least be some what close on expected construction costs