Saturday, April 4, 2009

I heard several opinions that Block's campaign is starting to unravel over LarryBoy's press conference "charges" but sems to ME it's LarryBoy on the ropes....
He called WNTA TWICE yesterday with more lawyer-speak defending his STATS...
then he gets tangled up in MORE LIES....
Residency seems to really be a "talking point" for him...and someone brought up his Director of Public Works AND his raise last year of 38%...
First off,receiving mail and having holiday parties at an address is a poor excuse for residency...
Secondly,Larry's accepted LIE about a 'promotion' to defend the raise is easy enough to DISPROVE...
'Posted Sep 14, 2007 @ 11:47 PM
The former head of the city's Department of Public Works is no longer working for the city.
Bill Bittner, who was replaced as public works director in June...'
So JUNE 2007 ....there was NO PROMOTION in 2008 as the LIE claims

And,if residency is SO important to Larry...
Would one of his staunch defenders SHOW ME WHERE LARRY PAYS PROPERTY TAXES?
According to WINGIS he doesn't.....

Now he's WHINING about the firefighters' "Four 4 Life" campaign....

Geez,LarryBoy...grow up...let's talk about YOUR SPENDING...

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