Thursday, April 23, 2009

So I remember watching that Council meeting when they passed the budget,and Ald.Timm wanted to take $225,000 from the General Fund so the non-union city employees would not have to take "furlough"days,unpaid days off without the only argument AGAINST this move was that it would turn a "balanced"budget into a "deficit"budget,I mean,REALLY,it's only a WORD...anyone with any sense knew LarryBoy's flair for spending would not let a little old word like "DEFICIT" rein in HIS "vision".... So that (and the election) seem the only reason the Metro bailout, (IN THE WORKS FOR 6 MONTHS!?[wasn't Dancin'Doug the Mark hired within that time frame?] )wasn't brought up BEFORE was there'd be a "deficit"budget to pass.... (On a related note,seems that although we(the watching public and aldermen) understood that there would be those "furlough"days,apparently the next day the affected employees learned they were actually receiving a PAY CUT...but to "sweeten" the blow,they ALSO RECEIVED EXTRA (paid)VACATION DAYS!!!!!!!! )

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